So 3rd day here in Samara acclimatisation is going well. Yesterday I was knackered as you saw in the photo of my passing out before 8am! So after the snooze we then took to the coast and spent 3 hours waking and rock climbing in late morning heat, damn it was hot! Covered about 10km but some of it was seriously climbing around rocks, and wading through the water to get past things, so great training for day 4 of TCC.
Got out in the evening for our usual beach run but by god was it hard. My legs felt like they were covered in sticky treacle! Half way I was going to call it a day as rest and recovery is key at the moment, but then changed my mind, brought down the pace and pushed on. Got it done!
Today’s training has gone like this…
No running so far, we are so close to the race now that these tired legs of ours and our bodies screaming at us in the heat need a bit of love and care. So a morning walk and a dip in sea before breakfast instead of the run seemed a sensible thing to do.
We then walked 15km today to the next beach along, again in blistering heat while sweating pints, attractive!
Our evening run is planned for later when the sun goes down and tomorrow we will be getting out in full kit to run over the hill next to us to the other side.
So all in all…bodies are getting used to the heat and the training but feeling tired and sun kissed. My nerves have behaved the passed 2 days and the doubts have quietened.
But the energy is slightly zapped, but I am confident that it will improve. This heat is so polar opposite to anything we have had in the UK recently and it takes time to get used to it. I am so pleased we came here so early, to spend time getting used to these conditions will help us during the race I am sure!