So, I promised a few of you that I would write honestly about any tough times and fear dominated thoughts l have leading up to and during this race.
8 days now until we stand on that start line. Today we are training at sunrise, midday and early eve to acclimatise to the different temperatures that we will experience. 5km a time, 15km total.
It’s been great so far, we arrived yesterday early eve and got straight out in the dark, up again 5am this morning and run into sun rise, midday today was hot but doable, we are sweating a lot!
I am fuelling in my usual way with fruit, but I am also not overeating just yet as there will be many tines a day during the 6 days of racing where hunger will take over so I need to know my body and mind can cope with that. So the morning is just fruit and water, then after the second run I have something more substantial. Today was a vegan sandwich made with plantain bread…it was epic.
So there are the facts of the training schedule.
Now for how I am feeling.
I am excited yet terrified.
Today I had an internal wobble.
‘What am I thinking attempting something like this?’
So there it is…the question that has crept is ugly way in…
Now for my mantra…the one I use in every race, the one I used in the hospice with my dad…’you can do this’
I promised some of you that I would be honest about this whole process, so I am keeping that promise.
This is NOT for sympathy or re assurance, that is not something I have ever felt the need for. Those of you that know me well know that my own mental strength will see me through as long as the journey allows me to travel.
I am writing this purely to be honest as I promised I would be.
I am human and have wobbles.
I will continue with my mantra
I’ll check in again tomorrow with the next update xxx