Sat in San Jose Airport, at gate 20, waiting to board filled with love and gratitude for what we chose for this thing we call life.

These 6 weeks have been remarkable in many ways.

The high temperatures and sun on my skin has meant my body has recovered in ways that I can only appreciate.

What these last few weeks has done for my mind was more of a surprise. We made the decision last year to pilot the relocation, as I explained in the previous blog, that went so well and this year we extended the trip for 6 weeks.



Working online has meant that I can take my clients with me, meeting at scheduled sessions via video, and continuing our training journeys together.

I am not only the owner of Tracy Waite Personal Trainer Cornwall, but also the Waite Room CIC and Cornwall Running Show. Being able to spend the time here in Costa Rica to focus on grant applications for our funded services has been a valuable experience for the CIC. My work

Life balance is healthier here, meaning I am not working into the night on these things as I do at home.

Cornwall Running Show has had my full attention too, in daylight hours, meaning I can experience sunsets, early nights and ample sleep to aid day to day recovery.



The biggest thing I gain from being in Costa Rica is the love affair. Not that of myself and Pony, as to be honest what we have has always been exactly as we want it to be. Brutal honesty and communication from the outset has seen to that, as we both have a responsibility to ourselves to make sure the steps we make together, are right for us both.

The love affair I am referring to, is that i have with myself. Every year I spend here, I get to know myself more, and I am loving who I have gotten to know.

It doesn’t come without tears. Without feeling of grief. Without experiencing realisation of transformation and being re born, but with both of these there are huge emotional barriers to climb.



I’m sat here waiting to board the plane with love in my heart and pride that we did what we said we would do. We promised each other, and more importantly, I promised myself, that we are in charge. I am in charge. That takes a huge amount of work, challenges and bravery.

Tomorrow we will arrive in our other home, and welcome the Spring, with all its colour and Cornish charm.


As I said in the previous blog, I welcome both homes, both sets of challenges, and the immense, relentless work ahead to be able to achieve everything I desire.

Because I refuse to merely exist.

I’ve promised myself a remarkable life.

I will continue this extraordinary journey of making my dreams a reality.

I believe in the magic.

And I will continue to create my own magic.

And I will fight for others to find a way to believe in their magic.